Meu fundecitrus


Citricultor magazine: edição em inglês da nova revista do Fundecitrus está disponível / The new issue of Citricultor magazine highlights sustainability in citriculture

A nova edição em inglês da revista Citricultor destaca a busca por uma citricultura cada vez mais sustentável, com a entrada do Fundecitrus na Rede Brasil do Pacto Global da ONU e com o lançamento do conjunto de ações Citricultura Sustentável.

A água também está em evidência, com o aperfeiçoamento contínuo das técnicas de produção e o uso racional dos recursos ambientais proporcionados pelas pesquisas. A publicação fala ainda da estimativa da safra 2021/22 e sobre a relação da citricultura com a apicultura, dentre outras pautas.

Para acessar a versão em inglês ou português desta edição e das anteriores, acesse:


The new issue of Citricultor magazine highlights sustainability in citriculture

Issue no. 55 of Citricultor magazine highlights the pursuit of an increasingly sustainable citrus industry, which values the balance between competitiveness and environmental preservation.

Fundecitrus’ affiliation with the UN Global Compact Network Brazil, the world’s largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative, and the “Sustainable Citriculture”, with a set of actions that foster balance between food security and environmental preservation, emphasize the institution’s commitment to sustainability.

The continuous improvement of production techniques and the rational use of resources place water in the spotlight of this issue: water savings during applications to improve grove health, achieved thanks to research projects carried out by Fundecitrus and partner institutions over the years; reservoirs built on farms to store rainwater for irrigation during the dry season; and the “Water” documentary series, which shows the concern and advances in the sector in relation to the use of this very important and finite asset.

Moreover, the magazine features the forecast for the 2021-2022 crop season, estimated at 294.17 million boxes, the relationship between citriculture and beekeeping, and much more.

Check out these and other articles in Citricultor issue no. 55, available for download at


