Fundo de Defesa da Citricultura (Fund for Citrus Protection) – Fundecitrus is an association maintained by citrus growers and juice manufacturers from the State of São Paulo to foster the sustainable development of the citrus industry.
Through the development of research, innovative technologies, training of professionals and provision of information, it works with citrus growers to support them with effective, sustainable practices.
Fundecitrus is acknowledged as an example of competency in the production and spreading of knowledge to ensure the wholesomeness of citrus production, with cost effectiveness and preservation of natural resources.
Fundecitrus work has helped to secure the competitiveness of Brazilian citrus industry and its leading position in the world scenario.
Fundo de Defesa da Citricultura (Fund for Citrus Protection) – Fundecitrus is an association maintained by citrus growers and juice manufacturers from the State of São Paulo to foster the sustainable development of the citrus industry.
Through the development of research, innovative technologies, training of professionals and provision of information, it works with citrus growers to support them with effective, sustainable practices.
Fundecitrus is acknowledged as an example of competency in the production and spreading of knowledge to ensure the wholesomeness of citrus production, with cost effectiveness and preservation of natural resources.
Fundecitrus work has helped to secure the competitiveness of Brazilian citrus industry and its leading position in the world scenario.
Research and Development

Reference in Citrus-related research

Solutions through Biotechnology

65 experimental fields
Fundecitrus is a reference in citrus-related research. With four laboratories, it is headquartered in Araraquara/SP, with 1,300 m² earmarked for the study of citrus wholesomeness and quality. In addition to 65 experimental fields, totaling 760 hectares.
Fundecitrus researchers work in partnership with Brazilian and foreign research institutes to generate technology directly applied on the field to control and manage pests and diseases; to search for long-term solutions through biotechnology; and to investigate alternatives to monitor and control pests by studying the insects behavior.
Equipped to work with microbiology, molecular biology and biochemistry, Fundecitrus Research and Diagnosis Lab provides services to citrus growers by carrying out free tests to diagnose HLB and CVC.
With a capacity to analyze up to 600 samples a week, it provides results in a fast, safe manner by using fewer reagents and producing less waste, thus following the trend in sustainability-based diagnoses.
Fundecitrus invests in a strong professional training system to disseminate all created knowledge beyond its borders, thus strengthening the exchange of information so that it reaches the field already in the form of new technology to help maintain the citrus industry dynamism and productivity.
To that end, it provides a professional master program on Citrus Diseases and Pests Control – called MasterCitrus – oriented towards training citrus industry professionals so that they can apply and become multipliers of the information and technologies for the effective management of citrus orchards.
Every year, thousands of people are updated on techniques and technologies by means of courses that encompass the whole citrus growing area, conveying to citrus growers, in a dynamic cost-free manner, the latest information to control diseases and pests in an effective, inexpensive, and sustainable manner.
Fundecitrus invests in a strong professional training system to disseminate all created knowledge beyond its borders, thus strengthening the exchange of information so that it reaches the field already in the form of new technology to help maintain the citrus industry dynamism and productivity.
To that end, it provides a professional master program on Citrus Diseases and Pests Control – called MasterCitrus – oriented towards training citrus industry professionals so that they can apply and become multipliers of the information and technologies for the effective management of citrus orchards.
Every year, thousands of people are updated on techniques and technologies by means of courses that encompass the whole citrus growing area, conveying to citrus growers, in a dynamic cost-free manner, the latest information to control diseases and pests in an effective, inexpensive, and sustainable manner.

Warning System
Warning System
The Phytosanitary Warning System was developed by Fundecitrus to help citrus growers in the regional monitoring of psyllid Diaphorina citri, the insect vector of HLB (greening), and it area wide control.
The system encompasses an area of 230,000 hectares (48% of the citrus growing area), monitoring 105 million trees in roughly 1,000 farms, in more than 140 municipalities in the States of São Paulo and Minas Gerais.
That service is free and provides an assessment of locations where the psyllid is present, which results in greater efficiency and savings in terms of sprayings, which are carried out at the most appropriate time by all citrus growers in a coordinated way.
The Phytosanitary Warning System was developed by Fundecitrus to help citrus growers in the regional monitoring of psyllid Diaphorina citri, the insect vector of HLB (greening), and it area wide control.
The system encompasses an area of 230,000 hectares (48% of the citrus growing area), monitoring 105 million trees in roughly 1,000 farms, in more than 140 municipalities in the States of São Paulo and Minas Gerais.
That service is free and provides an assessment of locations where the psyllid is present, which results in greater efficiency and savings in terms of sprayings, which are carried out at the most appropriate time by all citrus growers in a coordinated way.
Citrus inventory
and crop forecast
Citrus inventory
and crop forecast
Every year Fundecitrus carries out a survey on the size and profile of the citrus growing area and the forecast for orange crops.
The data, which is made available to the whole production chain in a transparent, reliable manner, are collected directly from the field on a continuous basis to generate periodical updating on the number of treesvarieties planted, age of trees, new plantings or eradications, and irrigated area.
The crop forecast is done by following up on fruit development on the field since blooming, observing not only the amount of fruit but also their growth and drop rate.
The results on the orchards profile contribute to a more adequate planning of production and marketing of the products which have orange as their major raw material.
Every year Fundecitrus carries out a survey on the size and profile of the citrus growing area and the forecast for orange crops.
The data, which is made available to the whole production chain in a transparent, reliable manner, are collected directly from the field on a continuous basis to generate periodical updating on the number of treesvarieties planted, age of trees, new plantings or eradications, and irrigated area.
The crop forecast is done by following up on fruit development on the field since blooming, observing not only the amount of fruit but also their growth and drop rate.
The results on the orchards profile contribute to a more adequate planning of production and marketing of the products which have orange as their major raw material.

Information and technology transfer

Trained professionals oriented to provide all the information generated by Fundecitrus are on the field to give the necessary support to citrus growers through visits, guidance and training, providing citrus growers with technical, constantly updated material produced by specialists.
The information is also made available by Fundecitrus in manuals, books, videos, website, reports and through a magazine that has been distributed on a free basis to citrus growers for over 30 years.
A sustainability vision

All Fundecitrus efforts are underpinned by a concern with savings of economic and natural resources and look for more intelligent, cheaper tools to control citrus pests and diseases.
The research calls people attention to actions that contribute to a more sustainable management of citrus growing by investing in natural enemies, bioinsecticides, reduced water usage, and more modern techniques for pesticide application.
Among its laboratories, there is one devoted to raising little wasps called Tamarixia radiata, a natural enemy of the HLB-transmitting psyllid, which are released in the field for biological control of the pest. The improvement of spraying techniques has allowed for up to 70% savings in water usage and up to 50% savings in the use of pesticides. Together with pest-monitoring techniques that prevent unnecessary sprayings and technologies to help calculating proper dosages, Fundecitrus has contributed to decrease the use of pesticides in orchards.
Publications & Lectures
Orange Forecast 2016/17
Orange Forecast 2015/16

Citricultor | Special Edition | 2016 | September
Fundecitrus, a private entity, was founded with emphasis on the citrus canker control. The mission established aimed to develop knowledge and technology to control the disease according to São Paulo State citrus protection legislation. The mission and operational strategies upheld the Brazilian citrus business as the most competitive crop within the sustainability framework.
Av. Dr. Adhemar Pereira de Barros, 201
CEP: 14807-040 – Vila Melhado
Araraquara – SP – Brazil
+55 16 3301-7000
+55 0800-11-2155